R+D+i Dissemination
We work for promoting research within the field of Social Responsibility and Sustainability creating a space for knowledge dissemination, transfer and exchange.
1. Promoting applied research within the field of Social Responsibility and contributing to the drafting of the USR Report of the University of A Coruña.
2. Creating an exchange space focusing on the internet and social networks.
The Inditex-UDC Chair of Sustainability intends to promote knowledge dissemination and foster knowledge exchange in the field of CSR/USR, sustainability and social innovation, based upon ICT.
3. Sustaining and providing scientific coverage to the publications of Social Council of UDC, in the field of CSR/USR, sustainability and innovation. The Inditex-UDC Chair of Sustainability will sustain and provide scientific support to the editorial collections of the Social Council of the University of A Coruña, issued in partnership with Editorial Netbiblo.
The first publication of the USR-UDC collection of the Social Council of the University of A Coruña, ‘Responsabilidad Social Universitaria’, compiles the views of 28 experts on the role that the university must play within the society, and proposes a series of indicators on RSU.
The second book, ‘Responsabilidad Social Universitaria 2.0’, introduces the concept that the university cannot be excluded from social media, wikis and blogs environments. With the new available tools, students perform a different role, thanks to the exchanges with the community and to the new learning methods, whereas academics make progress both as regards the manner in which knowledge is transferred and the way their research and contribution to the sustainable development of the society take place.